Mhairi Ankaa

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MainLostChangeling: The Lost ● Mhairi Ankaa
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** [| At the Food and Booze Table]<br>
** [| At the Food and Booze Table]<br>
** [| Pledge Swearing]<br>
** [| Pledge Swearing]<br>
*''Autumn Luncheon''<br>
**[| Luncheon]<br>

Revision as of 20:41, 15 November 2016

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v · t · e
"Ooooh...Terror and-ah-and Arcane Mysteries...Yes! Gotta get me some-ah-some of that!"
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She was born to a family of Gypsies, Romani, and named after a star, as was her mother before her, and grandmother too. She took to thievery like a duck to water, her mother, wanted her to connect with the more mystical accepts of her culture and traditions. And gave her a stack of handmade tarot cards passed down from mother to daughter for generations.


The Ruination of the Sickle's Sun is a women scorned. She knew her husband-ex-husband had his eye on Cassiopeia, intent on making the star named girl into a star, but The Ruination saw the girl's talents for fortune. Or rather, misfortune. To spite her ex-husband, The Ruination, forged the girl in the heart of a dying star, making her like and unalike what her husband wanted. Taught her to be seductive but deadly, hiding coy smiles behind deceptive paper fans. Then sent her to her ex-husband's court, to sow discord among his gleaming throng.

It's wasn't so much of an escape as it was an eviction. It hadn't taken the gleaming denizens of The Ruination's ex-husband's Court to realize just who that source of their ever increasing misfortune was. They forced her out, even in the face of the ex-husband's ire. She wouldn't go back to The Ruination, and announce her failure, instead she walked the paths using the stars as her guide. Her kin, now both in name and nature lead her out of Faerie.


After her admittedly ill conceived temper tantrum against her Fetch, she really didn't know what to do with herself. She no life here. There were some of the Family in town, who Cassie approached timidly, completely prepared to deceive them in order for information, and favors. She wasn't prepared to meet her uncle's sorrow filled quicksilver eyes. Her mother is missing. He told her. Missing like they used to be. Her coffin is filled with buttons, pine cones, and other bits and bobs. He checked, paranoid he admitted, he always saw something 'off' about Ankaa, since his return. He even knew someone, who knew someone who could get her a new identity. As she promised to herself, to save her mother, she decided to take her mother's first name as her new last name. Her uncle told her to go to Sacramento, there was a Freehold, maybe the people there could help her.



A slim girl, with raven black hair and grey-blue eyes. She likes wearing silver nail polish.


Wyrd ● - ●● Her skin is like captured moonlight. Her eyes are lit with a fell green fire. Her hair is as black as a starless sky. Her nails have a quicksilver coating, but they always seem to drip, burning up before they can spatter on the ground.
Wyrd ●●● - ? The Wyrd evolves, and so does she, her skin still like moonlight captured, and quicksilver still spatters upon the ground from a finger twitch, but now motes of fell fire escape her eyes. Her once starless locks, now contain a galaxy, tinkling lights forming constellations which mimic the sky, changing as the Seasons turn.


Mantle ● Her mantle surrounds her like a brisk autumn breeze, contrasting sharply with her ever burning self.
Mantle ●● As her mantle grew her gentle, if brisk breeze sharpens until all traces of its once gentle presence are replaced by the sharp and slightly menacing currents central to Autumn's depths.

Dread Queen Ascendant

A diadem of carved ash wood appears, the slim branches delicately encircle her head, spider-spun threads loop and twist from one branch to the next. Hanging from these threads are wilting leaves of lead, forever suspended in the moment of their fall. Curling into themselves, the wilting edges are tarnished, but their center is polished mirror bright. Whenever they find someone's refection, they reflect not the image presented to them, but the observers deepest fears, though thankfully only visible to them. Dancing betwixt it all, are motes of Mhairi's own fell-fire, flickering into forgotten runes and ancient sigils whenever the wisp's windblown mantle rustles her hair, or the threads themselves.

  • War Fans
    • Mask: A typical handheld fan, which collapses for easy storage. It's mostly black but decorated by a scattering of Autumn leaves. Tough puzzlingly when the edge of the fans catch the light it looks like you might cut yourself upon it if you're not careful.
    • Mien: The war fans keep their mundane shape only the material is exchanged with the fantastical. Created from the Leaves who's death came with Autumn's first frost and woven together by the light of the Sickle Moon's Cheshire grin. When one first glimpses these delicate looking frosted leaves and moon-woven ribs they might miss the wickedly sharp ice hardened edge.
  • Necklace
    • Mask: A tight fitting choker, resting against her throat is a ribbon, expertly dyed to look like flame. Embroidered upon that ribbon are small silver flames.
    • Mien: A circle of flame, woven together from motes of fell-flame tears, and flickering never dying embers.
  • Bronze Leaf Keychain
    • Mien: The leaf’s edges curl like ancient parchment with gossamer fine words of power scrawled across its surface in dark blood that flows with haste.


Important Miscellaneous Things
Eternal Seasons
City Shards

Facts about Mhairi AnkaaRDF feed
Autumn Hollow1  +
Autumn Hollow Amenities0  +
Autumn Hollow ContributorMhairi Ankaa  +
Autumn Hollow Doors0  +
Autumn Hollow Size0  +
Autumn Hollow Wards1  +
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Has MeritHollow  +
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Secondary PictureYes  +
Shared HollowAutumn  +
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Venuewarning.png"" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki. , and Changeling  +
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