Morgan Bellanar

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Morgan Bellanar
I'm n-n-not ssscary...the knives are.
Freehold Beast Autumn

Paladin of Shadows

Morgan was a member of a regional gymnastics team, she was doing quite well with it and had even managed to gain a scholarship for college out of her performance. Then she got abducted with her friends by privateers and suffered through her durance. That was all she remembered from before Arcadia. Unlike most Lost, she experienced her durance not alone but with one of her friends. They suffered through the Screaming Jungle together, helping each other in their numerous escape attempts. Morgan's friend did not survive but gave Morgan the chance to escape.

The Beast had lost much of her memory from before Arcadia. Only her abduction and those involved remained clear in her head. She had no trails of memory to search for family, only those "friends" taken alongside her. She isn't even sure why she arrived back near Chicago, but started her search there.

Chicago was an interesting experience for Morgan. She learned what she was, how the Courts worked, and even picked up a few things from the locals. She was also the butt of many a joke due to her gullibility and still almost feral mind. That helped her grow, though she was never grateful for the pranks. Morgan only Chicago Freehold members she has good things to say about are those that deal in information and other "business." They treated her the same as they treated everyone else. Eventually she built up enough funds to buy an identity and found some leads to follow.

Sacramento was supposed to be where one of her friends had been seen. But the trails were old and obscure, if not fully erased by the Four Seasons' ruination. Morgan still looks for leads but has new friends to worry over too.

Morgan practices parkour and serves as a a courier, transporting things discretely for people in exchange for money. This often keeps her on rooftops and other high places, letting her see what is around her better to keep her calm. She also likes the noise of the city, it is never quiet. Her durance makes her equate quiet with terrible danger.

Morgan's actions at the 2012 Fall Coronation[1] have given her a poor impression among the members of the Freehold but she has been making up for it. The Sage Symposium in 2014 being a good example of that. At the 2014 Fallen fair Morgan was promoted to the title of Twilit Page. Her duties, as she understands them, is primarily serving the Lady Scrivener and welcoming new arrivals. When Morgan isn't running around town she is often researching various subjects. Despite, or perhaps due to, her low opinion of her mental faculties Morgan had taken to doing a lot of research. Her logic being that quantity can make up for quality.

She has been promoted to Scrivener by the former Scrivener and new Autumn Queen Ava Campbell. Her studies into a Fire Spirit or her work with the Contract of Elements could be the source but whatever it is Morgan has gained the traits of a Fireheart Elemental. On the plus side, this seems to have cleaned out her stutter nicely.

Morgan is very good at knife throwing.



At around five feet Morgan is a wiry, athletic brown eyed brunette, and the fact that she practices parkour regularly shows in her lean muscles. She has no truly striking features that make her stand out in a crowd aside from a scar upon her back. Her face is friendly and open, better labeled trustworthy/guileless than anything else. She tends to wear street clothing that do not hinder her ability to use parkour, or she uses duct tape to fix it when the clothes do.


Her face has a black bandit (raccoon) mask, her arms are coal black below the elbows, and her legs are the same below the knees. The rest of her skin has gained a grey tint, with a fuzzy feel, and the hair around her ears keeps getting fluffy like a real raccoon's. Her fingers and toes end in claws at the last joint, but they look like that are made for climbing or digging, not fighting. Her eyes are far bigger then normal. After becoming Lady Scrivener her Mein altered to show signs of a a burning power beneath her fuzzy exterior. Morgan's veins have taken on the golden glow of a flame, as have the whites of her eyes.


A result of a solo venture into the Hedge that could have ended up much worse. The scar begins at Morgan's right shoulder blade and ends just above her left hip. It is four thin lines that are evenly spaced, but the second from the top is less noticeable then the rest.


Dead brownish leaves sometimes simply appear in her wake.


Morgan is based off a combination of her animal motif (raccoons), views of raccoons in some mythology (friendly and cute), and popular culture depictions of parkour. She prefers to be high up when possible, does not like the wilds, and will often try to observe a situation before taking action. An exception to this rule is when others need aid, as her instinct is to help. She often has a motor mouth.

Autumn Commons

Morgan has contributed to the Hollow behind Edna's Boarding Houses, known as the Autumn Commons:

Mantle ●●
Thrown Weapons ●●●●
New Identity ●● (Basic identification for an average person.)
Parkour ●●●●●
Resources ●●
Facts about Morgan BellanarRDF feed
Athletics Dodge1  +
AvatarEllen Page  +
Barfly1  +
Character NameMorgan Bellanar  +
Character StatusInactive  +
Character TypeChangeling  +
Chicago End2012  +
Chicago Start2011  +
Connected ToNathan Griffin  +
Contacts InStreet  +
Contacts in Street1  +
CourtAutumn  +
Court Goodwill1  +
Direction Sense1  +
Dual Kithwarning.png"1" is not in the list of possible values (None, Airtouched, Antiquarian, Apsaras, Artist, Ask-wee-da-eed, Author, Blightbent, Bloodbrute, Brewer, Bright One, Broadback, Chatelaine, Chimera, Chirurgeon, Cleareyes, Coldscale, Corpsegrinder, Coyote, Cyclopean, Daitya, Dancer, Di-cang, Draconic, Drudge, Earthbones, Farwalker, Fireheart, Flamesiren, Flowering, Gameplayer, Gandharva, Gargantuan, Gravewight, Gremlin, Gristlegrinder, Hunterheart, Illes, Inventor, Larcenist, Leechfinger, Levinquick, Lurker, Lurkglider, Manikin, Metalflesh, Miner, Minstrel, Mirrorskin, Moonborn, Muse, Nightsinger, Nix, Oni, Oracle, Palewraith, Pamarindo, Pishacha, Playmate, Polychromatic, Razorhand, Render, Riddleseeker, Romancer, Roteater, Runnerswift, Sandharrowed, Shadowsoul, Skogsra, Skitterskulk, Smith, Snowskin, Soldier, Steepscrambler, Stonebones, Succubus / Incubus, Swimmerskin, Telluric, Thusser, Treasured, Troll, Truefriend, Tunnelgrub, Venombite, Waterborn, Water-Dweller, Weisse Frau, Whisperwisp, Windwing, Witchtooth, Woodblood, Woodwalker) for this property. , and Fireheart  +
Forumid1374  +
Freehold Status3  +
Friend ToMalcolm Green  +, Mhairi Ankaa  +, and Nathan Griffin  +
Harvest1  +
Has MeritMantle  +, Athletics Dodge  +, Barfly  +, Contacts  +, Court Goodwill  +, Direction Sense  +, Thrown Weapons  +, Harvest  +, Hedge Gate Sense  +, New Identity  +, Parkour  +, Perfect Stillness  +, Resources  +, and Dual Kith  +
Hedge Gate Sense1  +
KithSteepscrambler  +, and Fireheart  +
Kith PrimarySteepscrambler  +
Last PostLast Post  +
Lived InSacramento  +, and Chicago  +
Mantle2  +
New Identity2  +
OneaccountNo  +
PC or NPCPC  +
Parkour5  +
Perfect Stillness1  +
PlayerOrigins  +
PlayerID1373  +
Posted30 April 2017  +
Presence2  +
Resources2  +
Sacramento End30 April 2017  +, and warning.pngThe date "{{{3}}}" was not understood.
Sacramento Start7 August 2012  +, and 2012  +
Secondary Picturewarning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted.
SeemingBeast  +
Tenure4.7  +
Threadid19347  +
Thrown Weapons4  +
VenueChangeling  +
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