Hounds of Blood

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Hounds of Blood
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Ventrue Lords Over the Damned.jpg
Ventrue Lords Over the Damned p. 110
Disciplines Animalism •••
XP 15xp
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The old traditions of hunting hounds and guard dogs are hereby blended with the powers of the Damned to serve the needs of aging Kindred. With this rare, and much protected, power cultivated by English Lords, Ventrue of the moors have been able to feed on human blood without exposing themselves to their human prey. This power traps the mystic qualities of human Vitae within the veins of the Lord’s hounds for a short, vital time, so that human Vitae can be delivered back to the master to drink.

(Rumors circulate throughout Europe that some Trojan in Amsterdam has found a way to advance this power, so that kine can fetch Kindred Vitae for delivery to their ancient master, but the existence of such a power has never been proven.)

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