Instill Malediction

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Covert Fraying
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Tome of the Mysteries, p. 130
Ladder : Unstable Prototype
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This is a Mage House Rule This spell is not allowed.

The mage relinquishes a finishing spell without sacrificing a Willpower point. Instead, the willworker accomplishes the relinquishment by making the Enchanted Item a focus for unspecified future ill-fortune. This spell may not be used to relinquish control over curse spells.

A special dice pool, the Misfortune pool, is attached to the item. Each time its user scores a failure in any task employing an Enchanted Item’s powers or equipment bonus, one die is added to that pool. (When the item is used for an action that would not normally require a roll, the user must instead roll the original willworker’s Death + Gnosis at the time of item creation.) Before using an item with a Misfortune greater than zero, the item’s user first reflexively rolls its Misfortune.

On a failure, the item remains sound, and can be used as normal during the current turn.

On a success, the item can still be used during the current turn, but at a dice penalty equal to the number of Misfortune successes.

On an exceptional success, a random curse permanently instills itself in the item.

The Storyteller chooses an appropriate curse given the narrative circumstances, or rolls one die and consults the following chart, adding one to the result for each curse already instilled in the item. See p. 136 for details on the curses.

Die Roll / Curse

  • 1 = Cursed Object (3rd Degree)
  • 2 = Curse of Withering (one-week interval)
  • 3 = Curse of Ostracism (one-week interval)
  • 4 = Dementia (one-week interval)
  • 5 = Mystical Shackle (affects two Arcana)
  • 6 = Mana Leech
  • 7 = Bad Penny
  • 8 = Precious Malediction
  • 9 = Curse of Predation
  • 10 = Induce Hoarding Instinct

Silver Ladder Rote: Unstable Prototype

This method of spell relinquishment is popular within the voluminous ranks of the Silver Ladder, as there’s always a colleague lower down on the totem pole who can be forced to trade a functioning item for an Enchanted Item that has become laden with unpleasant curses.

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