Necropolis of Sacramento

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Necropolis of Sacramento
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Vampire.png Known Necropolis Citizens

The Necropolis of Sacremento was formed by former Reeve Arnold Culler and former Heirophant Dirge. These two kindred grew tired of the political life and the alienation of there clan by the other, more glamorous, clans of Sacramento. With the disappearance of Culler and Dirge, the secrets of the Necropolis have been lost.

Old Necropolis

Sewer Entry

The trio proceeds into the sewer, and... it's a concrete tube. Which is pretty all that can be said about such a thing, other than the steady flow of water. That's a rippling black ribbon that reflects light, at times things float by; flotsam, jetsam, dead rats, small toys, clumps of paper... Definitely nothing you'd want to investigate more thoroughly.

Eventually they find where Ajax began. The sewer opens into a transverse connecting several drainways, and overhead is a metal grate. It's impossible to hear much with the soft echoes of running and dripping water, but things seem calm 'topside'. The transverse connects on the other side to two sewer tunnels.

Again, Brenn notes the green and blue alphanumerics labeling the tunnels[1].

Train Station

The tunnel opens into an unusual scene that Conner and Brenn have seen before; the ceiling rises and the walls widen into a large underground chamber, in which an old railroad car sits to one side. The room is pitch black; A worn, dirty couch is next to the train, and there's a piano[2].

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